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When the bubble pops - 10 years fast forward

Hello my people 
9th semester already! High time . Low BP. Not really .
Topic for today - Life 10 years fast forward ...

People say that life  isn't pretty when you get out of these walls; walls we've all been dying to escape. The medical school walls . The women's medical college walls. The college-bus-home-bed-bus-college routine . There will be a life down the line.It is obviously not easy. 

In the sanctity and comfort of air conditioned lecture theaters, sitting on the same benches, we donot realize how different we all are.

What we never thought could happen to us- will. Life will surprise you many such times. It will leave you numb, and shocked, and gasping for air. It will fall to pieces around you. For the princess in pink, the porcelain doll: the bubble pops and dreams  shatter. For the maseeha, the humanitarian wanting to save the world: he will begin to understand that logistics and practicality matter a lot, and idealism often falls flat. 

Ten years lapse- Some in BMW's with trophy like spouses in their arms, others barely eking out a living. Some still trying to crack an PG entrance .Some, brilliant and conscientious diagnosticians.Others, being warm to their patients and winging it all the way.

Domestic life : 

Some find fulfillment in home and family and turn their backs on careers.

Others agonize over work-family balance, as they deliver mewling newborns while their own are looked after by the Aaya at home.


With time , people start to empathize with people and their choices. It's realisation time to understand the world isn't black and white- it's only grey. A zillion shades of grey. People kind of learn to stop judging:  'I would never, ever make such a choice!' or 'I can't understand how they could do that!' There are just too many variables. You can never compare anyone else's story to your own.


Some find love, some won't. If you're lucky, you'll learn that love. Conclusion : it all hurts.  It's true what they say; you have to look inwards for happiness. Then Vitamin M (Money) is more important than you probably give it credit for at your stage. Some friendships will endure despite distance and time. Other's will fade and wither away.

Miseries :

Failing an exam or interview , loosing a dear one ,miscarriages , abortions ,broken marriages are as common as as scoring 60% in your exams.

People with experience tell me that one sees that academic success is no guarantee of success in the real world. Those who had supplimentaries will also compete .

Girls who scorn throughout the course that their dad is a surgeon and she'd be one too, will skip housejob and become a stay-at-home mom. 


You will define your own anchors and meaning. Your patients. Religion. The money and bling bling. Family. Fame. Love. Professional success. To each, his own.

There will be patients whose memory stays with you for years upon years, their suffering etched into your mind. You, Doctor, may not be able to heal thyself; but you will heal and comfort and assuage all those who come to you.

With an ending  note :


Remember why you started in the first place, even when it seems too hard to go on. Keep going and you Will get there. Eventually.

There will be great sorrows. There will be great joys. And that is as it should be.

Say Alhamdulillah . For there is always so much to be thankful for.

Dream. Dream big. And when it doesn’t work out, dream anew.

So far so much ...


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