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Showing posts from April, 2024

Sorting wizard of clothes , kitchen and people : BCT Series XXIII

Picture this: a consultant dropping truth bombs about not overthinking every patient scenario and advising to chill a bit. Who would have thought that this simple advice would spiral into a domino effect of revelations? Brace yourself for a candid journey where sorting through the chaos of both my work and personal life became the ultimate game-changer. It all started with a consultant's feedback – a gentle nudge to pause the overthinking marathon for every patient. Understanding the socio-economic factors in their environment emerged as the missing piece in the puzzle. It was an epiphany that whispered, "Chill a bit, and the answers might just unfold naturally." Now, let's talk about the unexpected connection between the consultant's wisdom and my personal life. Sorting through the clutter of my refrigerator, kitchen, and room became a reflection of the chaos in my work. As I embraced the art of decluttering, a magical transformation occurred – my approach toward

The Apology Reflex: From Defensive Walls to Genuine Connections BCT Series XXII

In the not-so-distant past, my instinctive reaction to criticism or conflict was to raise defensive walls. Apologizing was a sign of weakness, an admission that I might be wrong. Little did I realize that this defensive strategy was not only isolating me but also hindering authentic connections. The transformation began when I started to view apologies not as surrender but as a means of fostering understanding. It's not about accepting blame for the sake of it; it's about acknowledging the impact of my words or actions on others. The shift from defense to apology wasn't instantaneous – it took conscious effort and self-reflection. Professionally, the apology reflex has become a valuable tool in my toolkit. Admitting mistakes doesn't diminish my credibility; it enhances it. Clients and colleagues appreciate authenticity. They can sense when an apology is genuine, and this authenticity builds trust – a currency more valuable than any professional facade . Sure, there were

Passenger to Driver of my expression BCT XXI

Let's dive into the nitty-gritty of communication – a realm where I used to wade through murky waters of suppressed frustration. Not too long ago, my go-to move was expressing a vague discomfort, mumbling a half-hearted "this bothers me." It was like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded, stumbling over my words and hoping someone would decipher the hidden message. But oh boy, have things changed. The evolution from that mumbled mess to confidently asserting my needs has been nothing short of a revelation. It's not just about stringing words together; it's about finding my voice, loud and clear. Assertive communication is a skill I didn't even know I needed until I stumbled upon it. It's not about being confrontational or domineering; it's about standing up for myself, expressing my thoughts, and ensuring my needs are acknowledged. The power of this transformation is palpable, not just in my personal relationships but in every nook and cranny of my exi

Shifting Mindsets: From 'That's Just How I Am' to 'I Am Willing to Work on That 'BCT Series XX

In the grand scheme of life, we often find comfort in the familiar phrase, "That's just how I am." It's a shield we use to protect ourselves from the daunting prospect of change. But let me tell you, I've embarked on a transformative journey that shattered this shield, replacing it with an armor of self-awareness and an eagerness for growth. For the longest time, admitting to imperfections felt like peeling off layers of my identity. I clung to the notion that these quirks and idiosyncrasies were an inherent part of me. Little did I realize that this very resistance to change was hindering my personal and professional development. The revelation hit me like a lightning bolt - the power to evolve lies in acknowledging our shortcomings. Instead of brushing off feedback with a casual shrug and a nonchalant "That's just how I am," I started embracing the discomfort that comes with recognizing areas for improvement. It was like flipping a switch, illumina