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Unconventional Needs

Hey all  Needs then are the basic things all people need to support life. We often think of needs as food, air, and water. Those are certainly needed for our survival, and we also need so much more to thrive and be fully alive. The following are a few examples of needs: love, food, shelter, caring, collaboration, support, appreciation, to be heard, comfort. When we understand that our behaviors are an attempt to meet our needs, we can become more skilled at choosing behaviors that will help us succeed at this. The result is more ease, fun, depth, and joy in our relationships and in our lives. Needs connect us to our own and other people's humanness. It is the same thread that runs through all people, just as we all enjoy the same moon and sun. Suppose your boss said the following to you. If you want to advance in this company, you better start putting effort into your work. What do you think your boss' needs are behind this statement? Predictability. Control. Scare Tactic. Reci


What we are feeling isn't always obvious. Fear and excitement have the exact same physiological effects on our bodies and hurt and anger often look the same: heavier breathing, red face, elevated voice and tone, and increased pace in speech. Why take the chance that the other person will understand how we feel about the situation when we can tell them? Expressing how something affects us improves our opportunities for connection, understanding and ultimately resolution. The following is a partial list of feelings: happy, sad, joyful, scared, angry, ticked off, ecstatic, absorbed, involved, comfortable, cozy, calm, contented, peaceful, affectionate, loving, energetic, enthusiastic. Notice that many of these statements start out either, "I feel like?", or "I feel you." Whenever you catch yourself starting a sentence in this way, be aware that you are probably about to state a thought instead of a feeling! Is it a feeling or a thought?  The speaker is expressing a

Funny consumers

Hey all Some times people visit your page, read your content, put you down. Umm.. I think that's the reflection of them , not my work.  Why I am taking time to post this? To give a wake up call, you have a life , wake up and get going to things that get best out of you .  So far so much

EM on MARS -Coolest thing I woke up to today !

I got no words! WOW! 🤩😍

Organisational peace

Hey all I happened to listen to a lecture on organisational peace.  It was again introduction to organisational peace. The key points were 1. Spend to reflect on how it is like to reflect on others. 2. All human beings have same needs. 3. Check you're as interested in valuing others need as you're interested in valuing yours. 4. Does other person have a choice in the conversation? Ideally he should. My need is for support. My request is to get it done if it worked for them as well. 5. Acknowledge others need before you answer. First acknowledge then advise. 6. Instead of praise show gratitude stating what need is being met. So far so much

Food makes you feel good

Hey all , I strongly agree that good food has power to impact your mood. Half of the time when I am angry, I am hungry. This weekend , I thought of making my edge my strength and make a 3 course meal!  And tadaaa! Here it is                                  Meal by yours truly !  Being a sweet tooth and a EM leader I was hyper-critical about my desert. It took me alot of persuasion by family and friends to believe it was actually edible and nice.  I don't know, I feel you don't believe it until your mind accepts the fact. Still pondering over it. So far so much


Hey all Today , mood ON hai ... So more fresh motivating stock on the blog! Stop waiting for things to happen. Often, waiting is a sign that you lack imagination and discipline. You need to take matters into your control and accomplish your own goals instead of waiting around for others to make their moves, or for life situations to favour you. Things like that don't happen , unless you're living inside a bollywood movie. In real life in contrary to reel, the script doesn't favor you if you aren't in the ACTION mode.  Action doesn't mean you have to fake fearlessness; in fact, it can help to keep you honest, grounded and humble by understanding your very own fears. Being vulnerable , accepting your flaws , asking for help SOS means you're on your path . There are millions of tools billion of people hundreds of ways to get going!  Taking action does involve going out of your comfort zone though. Finding balance is the key. Once you've found your right equil