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Overthinking and thought block

Hello ! Over-thinking is a disease, and many of us fall prey to it. Twenty-somethings are pretty good at over-thinking things and then complicating them. Many times, things are simple enough and we make them complicated for no reason. Overthinking can often cause problems that didn’t even exist in the first place, especially in regard to your natural talents. Maybe you have spent weeks practicing your lines for a play, and have all the hand motions, inflections in your tone, and the whole thing down pat. Then, when you get on stage for your final practice, you suddenly forget everything you worked so hard practicing. You have become the star player on your baseball team, but your mind runs on overdrive and puts you under pressure, making you miss every ball pitched to you at home base. People with extraordinary talents commonly choke when it’s time for them to perform, and all of it stems from letting their minds run haywire. They pay too much attention to their thoughts, rather than l

Power of intuition

Hi ! If something in your body doesn’t feel right, you should listen to this feeling before it gets any worse. A lot of people ignore subtle signs from their bodies and end up dealing with a much larger problem than they originally planned for. Your body instinctively knows when something is off balance, and those initial warning signs warrant your acknowledgment and further investigating to find out what your intuition is trying to tell you.  Don’t ever hesitate to go to your wellness advocate if your inner voice starts to scream at you to take action – the human body communicates to us surprisingly often through the power of intuition. On another note, pay attention to how you feel every time you interact with someone. Do you feel  drained ,  anxious , or  depressed ? These feelings have come to the surface for a reason – by listening to yourself intuitively, you can determine which people in your life suck your energy dry, and who actually makes you feel alive. Your intuition speaks

Quiz for right career option

Late nights are quiz nights. I love to ask questions and I love being asked questions. But day by day I realise that medicine is made for me and I am made for healthcare . For my almighty is lol knowing . I am glad that I have come out of my shell . There is no denial or any claims to be anything else . Yes , I love to get my hands dirty . On a long trip , the only thing I am responsible for is playing right music and pepping up people's mood !  I may deny it a zillion times but I like to please people in a way that makes them happy .  I am a doctor and I love it. To work a little extra is like living a spare segment of your life! It's getting out of monotony inspite of being monotonous . 

When the examiners look like death Angels

Hiiii!  Stress shoots my imagination like no other thing in the Milky Way. The other day was my practical exams in Ophthalmology. Having spoilt my theory exam utterly , I was nervous about my performance in the practical exam.  The most important thing at undergraduate level is the viva voice . I was shivering , sweating all at the same time. The hour has struck and the bell had rung , the session started. One of the examiner was missing. So everybody was asked to face only one examiner . All was well till it was  my friends turn . A tall dark, stout , angry middle aged man who was already late by an hour and a half entered the hall and continued the session . The last five ladies (us) were supposed to face him and the rest faced him.  He kept asking questions for fifteen minutes from each student.  It was my turn now . I entered the cabinet, the scene was quite like a death sequence . There was an old fair skinned with a reddish brown beard smiling and a grumpy middle aged person with

Purpose of life - picture


Some GK stuff 

Letter to Maria 2025

Hi Maria Assalaaamalaykum This is exam week! Are you even alive ? If you are you'd be a 32 year old . Are you a smarty or a bimbo? An emotional desi woman or a sensible woman ? What is your priority ? Your family , religion or career? I am extremely curious.  There is this final year ... That's pinching me hard . Did you clear it all at once . What was your Score in your post graduation? Which university ?   Curious forever -  your own self 

Final year - Peeping into the pelves

WHi! Often I throw tantrums at something that's simple and struggle for trifle. Such was the case in gynecology. I LOATHE gynecology ... I always made it an issue . Make placards out of it. I tagged it as a filthy department . To an extent that the department made me feel nauseated . The smell of the secretions itself was unbearable to add to the unusual pathological changes we saw in the roomy pelvis. This year 2015 . I thought to treat my phobia and repulsion with some radiotherapy (kidding) . I began to read stuff immediately after purchasing the books. It's a common phenomena In other medical students but I had NEVER done it. So I came out of my cliche ... Turned few pages ...  Still confused of what to read ...  The most rare condition or the most common one... I settled for the emerging one ... It was endometriosis ...  It was asked several times in examination. I thought it to be complex and ignored it . Finally when I gave it a read , I laughed at myself . The walls  I

Final year - reaching for basics

Hola! Coeliac trunk ... Elephants trunk seems to be simpler than this ... 

What your first posting teaches you !

Your first job fetches you names. You are either an ‘enthu cutlet’, who is enthusiastic about everything or an annoying ‘know-it-all’ who doesn't listen to her colleagues. It also makes you realise what sort of an employee are you. Whether you are a smart working aleck or a donkey worker. Either way, you realise your working style. You gave your best and paid fine attention to every small task. It was your way to prove yourself. You took the pressure and changed it to eustress which means good stress that demonstrated your awesome abilities. Makes You Think – ‘What Am I Doing With My Life?’ And, that’s normal. You will never be satisfied with your first job. After a certain point, monotony and boredom will creep in and will compel you to think intense questions like – ‘What am I doing with my life?’ ‘Is this my true purpose?’ And, that’s where life truly begins.