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Learning new terms #opthalmology

Hi. Look at what I am studying today ,what I planned to rather. It's kind of embarassing , but I admit I learnt some very basic terms , I wish I had learnt earlier.  They don't belong to the Oxford dictionary nor to Dorlands medical dictionary. They were the very basic terms like 1. Gutta  Any guesses? Nothing to do with your guts or gut honey! That means eye drops! After being posted in opthalmology department for so long . I feel super embarrassed . 2. Ung Na na not dung . Let me give you a clue , oculenta. Guessed? No , you didn't . It means eye ointment!  3. Intracameral injection Where do you poke it? Hint : liquid goes in liquid) .  A simple question what are the other modes of adminstration of ocular drugs . 3 more , come on ! You know it... Gels lens .. Great ... Soft contact lenses ... Bingo! Another one : the commonly used injection to achieve higher concentration and commonest route for anesthesia. Yo ! It's sub conjunctival and peribulbar res

Killing stress

Hi.  Like you cannot cure allergies . You can't cure stress . Their is somethingelse I do, suppress them! 1. Eat You are obviously thinking about how you are going to finish the jar full of yummies. 2. Sleep This way the most coward , but most effective one. 3.Family time Change your priority. Your sisters gossip is worth more than an exam. Your mums banter is way more precious. 4.Charity Feel the goodness . 5.Cook Something exotic . 6. Play Brain stimulating games not physically exhaustive ones. 7. Pray This does miracles! Kbye

Wajju takes a chill pill

Hi . My loyal people . With just one week to go for final exams, Wajju (me ,obviously ) has decided to take a chill pill . Why? 1.When studies take a toll on my health . I say if there is a mother , there is a child .   If there is healthy me , my education has a future . Because there is no use of a masters degree you earn after eight long years of hard work which leads you to the emergency room in less than a decade.  2. Health is paramount. Everest , Kilimanjaro or whatever you call it! That's the importance of health. If an topic takes away  your breakfast time from you , that's not worth it . Healthy is smarty . Smarty is Wealthy . Healthy is wealthy. 3. Don't worry about the marks judging you. They are going to be engraved like a dead corpse in some shelf of your cupboard. A week or more and nobody cares. Srk'a kids are proud of him, he is a drunkard , chain smoker , romances around with the girls . He earns enough, buys his kids enough . There is just no looking

Odd doctor out

Hello.  The elite of the world have set certain etiquettes for the rest of the world to follow. Like the military people should be aggressive, the rich can be coy , the poor have to be hardworking . Centuries have passed , but the society is yet to accept dual qualities in a person like a lazy coy lad , a hardworking charming janitor etc. There are certain etiquettes and characters they had categorised for a doctor . Like stressed still well dressed. Calm and Kaam .  Angry yet Smiling. Things have changed. People have even begun to accept stray dogs , fighting for animal rights . But accepting a hot , young grumpy  angry doctor is far from reality. So , for youth of my generation who are aggressive , frustrated , lethargic patience is a quality they relate to some ancient mythological character . The odd doctors face rejection from the older lot due to their impatient behaviour. They just don't understand that we are raised that way . Patience is just not our cup of tea. We don'

Doctor - mason relationship #spm

Hi! Even MK Gandhi was not pestered with a responsibility like this . Like what? Method of digging bore hole latrine. Anyways , bore hole latrines those days were way too posh . It was the age of service sewage. Remember Harijans? Back to the pavilion ,  I so wish I could teach this to a Mason and get some toilets made for women! Something is better than nothing ,you see.  Funny way . Step 1 : take an auger (Bob the builder 😉) Step 2 : stand with two legs at 45 degrees from each other Step 3 : draw a circle around your self ( diameter is now 13 inches)  Step 4 : dig it 25 feet deep (Manorama 6feet under , heard about it?) Step 5:  cover it with a squat plate Step 6 : add foot rest to it for obvious reasons Step 7 :when the shitty contents are 20" below the ground level (visible apparently) Step 8 : cover the shit .  Step 9 : reuse the squatting plate ( poor country India is ) Step 10 : search for a new house oops latrine ! Kbye!

Latrine anthem #spm

Hola!  My ardent readers . I appreciate your patience for reading stuff which majority unabashedly hates but refuses to change. The picture of the day :-  Yaay! Lovely ain't it?  Yuck! But we doctors study this . We are asked about this not only in the theory exams but also in viva.  The examiner : what are the methods of excreta disposal? We sing it aloud , rap(e) it a little... There are two main types Sewered and unsewered ting ting Unsewered is of three types la la la Service when you have somebody to clean your poop  Non service that you and me use everyday  Temporary latrines for camps that I haven't used anyway  Non service is also known as sanitary latrine It is again of five types A Bore and a Pit that has Septic  Aqua and a Waterseal Waterseal is Sulabh so people PRAI (pray) that they find one in emergency because RCA is not everywhere! It's bad I know . But memorising it is worst.  What annoys me the most is w

House - psychosocial effect #spm

The first one being the psychosocial effects of improperly constructed house.  Here is an abstract from Park stating that people staying multi storied buildings have effects like isolation , neurosis and behavioural disorders . I so wish people thought a little before  they printed such books which are for student consumption.  It's a fact that students mug up anything for the cost of marks like sine square theta + cos square Theta = 1 . But there are frustrated beings like me who question everything .  So , Saint park advices you to rent a ground floor to avoid neurotic disorders.even if you have to pay 2000 bucks more than you pay for your apartment on sixth floor. Let alone the mental pressure of paying ₹2000 extra you will have a disturbed sleep . Why? The footsteps of your neighbours on first floor and above won't let you have a good night's sleep. By the way Good night!


Hello there ! A sarcastic , frustrated , an esoteric doctor here. To make the matter appear simple , I would be posting , the most non-sense stuff ever written in the books of medicine. The ironies , and some of my day to day experiences.  You may find a vacuum after some successive blogs , that might be due to my commitment with my half decade old blog named : Do give it a read. That is less sarcastic with more of verbiage and poetry plus loads of advices! After having a low profile blog , I thought to shift to a signature blog a little. Stay tuned Till then  Adios